
Lumenator DIY SAD Light String

String of lights in paper lantern covers

Assembled strings of lights from off-the-shelf parts to deal with the dark winter, in hopes of helping my winter grumpiness and productivity levels improve.

Container Gardening with Edibles and Pollinators

  • Basil, nasturtium, tomatoes

Apartment gardening while I wait to move into a more permanent home with a garden. Growing tomatoes, arugula, basil, fennel, milkweed, mountain mint, nasturtium, and moonflower on the porch.

Felted Cat Cave

  • Natural wool fibers laid out on the template

I took a class at FABRIC Boston and learned how to make a felted cat bed!

Dance Pants

Currently prototyping!
Creating sensor-driven dance pants using Adafruit’s Gemma wearable AVR and some NeoPixels sewn into a garment.
Integrating sensor data from a couple of wearable 9-DOF accelerometer / gyro / magnetonmeter [LSM9DS0] to make magic happen.

[ github ]


Edible Garden at House of Rainbows

Created a stone herb spiral and 11 raised beds at a cooperative house. Bulbs, fruit trees, and fruit bushes were planted along with annual and perennial vegetables and flowers.

LED Lighting Programs

Another new project, spurred on by my acquisition of the Q Station from Kickstarter: Create a sunrise light alarm that syncs with android phone alarms, a simulated sunset, and gradual color temperature shift with the sun using location and sunrise/sunset data.
Found a python GUI, awaiting dev team API debugging of the Q Station API. Alternatively, working with Ron’s programs on GitHub and modifying them for sunrise.

[ github ]

Infinity Lighted Signs

  • Finished two-layer acrylic sign with edge-lighting

Designed and built two signs for an art event in Vermont. Designs sketched by a friend, brought into SolidWorks, and refined into vectors and splines. Sent out the designs for laser cutting. Assembled the signs, frosted the plastic to highlight the shapes when lit. Another friend lit them up!

Electronic Hand Drum Controller

Senior Design Project 005

Designed and built a prototype electronic hand drum controller using a homemade position sensor, piezo gating sensor, and force-sensors. Synthesizes basic drum hits, with velocity and position sensitivity. Algorithms for position and hit type could be improved.

[ github ]

  • Readying speaker cabinets for finish application.

Home Theater Speaker Array Cabinets

Helped build speaker cabinets for a home theater system. Installed them in a living room as a main sound system for the TV / music.